Friday, March 13, 2009

"I am a prostitute who loves her profession".

His epic "The Fall" is a surreal spectacle of cinema. Blogs ONLINE spoke with the director Tarsem Singh about his obsessions, the stories of his childhood - and about why "The Lord of the Rings" today looks totally ridiculous.


blogs ONLINE: The genesis of "The Fall" sounds quite adventurous to: 11 years of preparation, shooting four years. Here you are at least 18 different countries traveled.

Singh: The first time I have even 23 years ago talked about the project. And I have several other contracts with which I had money, so canceled. For "The Fall" but nobody wanted me a penny of money. I have nevertheless continued.

blogs ONLINE: You have a worrying obsession.

Singh: You know, my friend had asked me at that time by one day to the next exit. I was devastated. The only way for me out of this hole, it was this film. He has helped me to survive.

blogs ONLINE: At the heart of "The Fall" is a little girl and the stories that it has in mind. How did you come?

Singh: In the Indian Himalayan region, where I then went to school, there was no cinema. But we had a teacher who told us stories - the thought of it spontaneously. I hung on her lips. And the stories I have still not forgotten.

blogs ONLINE: What was that?


Photo: Capelight
Video: Capelight

"The Fall"
Trailer and Film Clips

Film clip: "She had uncontrollable hatred"
Film clip: "That is stealing"
Film clip: "There are no happy endings"

Singh: In retrospect, they listen to almost grotesque. For us, however, they were very big cinema: the story of a mix of James Bond and Robin Hood, for example, who tried the mystery of the Watergate scandal to solve. Every week, let us with a Cliffhanger back. And we fieberten next week contrary to hear what comes next.

blogs ONLINE: In an era in which comedy itself is no longer live without computer tricks, do not use special effects and turn in original locations. Why?

Singh: I love special effects - but the problem is that they rarely work. Take a film like "The Lord of the Rings." At that time, the computer is technically the measure of all things. But three years later, the film looks cheap and ridiculous from. Even the current version of the video game is probably better than the movie. I wanted a timeless story. I do not want my film in 20 years old works.

blogs ONLINE: Your brother has the movie for you produced. He has a very patient man.

Singh: That's him. And we complement each other in a kind of symbiosis. When I in the U.S. at the College at some point the money out, he came to my help. He cleaned toilets for two years in order to finance my studies. Because my father had us turn off the tap off, not because we wanted to study what he had imagined. Later I contacted my brother and revanchiert the law school allows. He has two children and I am his third child. Without him I would be lost.


Getty Images

Tarsem Singh was born in 1961 in India. With 24 years he went to the United States. He began his career as director of music videos, including the award-winning video of the REM song "Loosing My Religion". As he worked on commercials for Levi's, his works are part of the Spot collection of the Museum of Modern Art in 2000 came his directorial debut in the film: "The Cell", a psychological thriller with Jennifer Lopez in the lead role.

blogs ONLINE: Their next two projects are classic Hollywood projects. How you cope with the shift from art to commerce?

Singh: Very excellent. I am a prostitute who loves her profession.

blogs ONLINE: Why not turn a quick Bollywood film before, the trend is over?

Singh: Ask each of the Indians? But I have to live well in this to be pigeonholed. As a teenager I loved Bollywood films. But already with seventeen years, I found it just embarrassing. Only since the Western perspective, I know, I have re-established it as its own genre to appreciate. These films have their own peculiar laws, which you must accept. And like the Chinese martial arts cinema, they have survived in their isolation. But for me it's nothing.

blogs ONLINE: In the meantime, you are happy again affiliated. Would you, you should once again suffering from lovesickness, "The Fall 2" rotate?

Singh: Oh, no. Please do not! I'm glad that I had made this film. But I hope also implore that I was this terrible addiction never has a grip. I do not want to be backslid.

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