Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mickey, Milk and Millionaire.

"Benjamin Button" or "Slumdog Millionaire"? Sean Penn and Mickey Rourke? Kate Winslet and Meryl Streep? Before the 81st Oscar Awards in Hollywood, the tension rises. The film critics of blogs and blogs ONLINE call their favorites for the movie night of the year.


Thumb for pressing the buttons

For many, many years I was no longer so dehydrated film like "The Strange Case of Benjamin Button". I drank during the demonstration to bottle mineral water bottle, and yet I could the fluid loss, which by my wailing and blubber was not nearly compensate. Had the film is only half an hour longer, I probably would have disintegrated to dust. Here I thought at the same time incessantly about compositions, camera movements and cuts down, the film called out my analytical instruments, yes, he is forced to the highest activity.

That a film so deeply touching, while he dissects that the spirit and the heart moves with the same intensity, is one of these great wonders of the cinema, which is very rare, but from time to happen. I know there is such a nouveau riche British Indians, and the fix is hip and so damn good mood that he had at the end of all the major Oscars is pressed. But "The Strange Case of Benjamin Button" is on this Sunday one way or the largest profit for the cinema.

Lars-Olav Beier

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