Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dress rehearsal for the Oscar show.

Nor can it not be - he is in Hollywood: The Berlin Jochen Frey Thanks Alexander is with his short film "Toy Land" for an Oscar nomination. While all around him as the backdrop for the mega event is established, sets the former GDR citizens have the right times thanks to cope.


Los Angeles - Thanks Jochen Frey Alexander stands at the edge of the red carpet, in his countenance blogs are a mix of insecurity and amusement. TV reporter, deep dekolletierte Women and tattooed construction workers umschwirren him here in the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, where on Sunday the 81st Time the Oscars are awarded. But nobody attends the Berlin really - except for a camera crew from ZDF, but annoying problems with the tone has.

Photo: TV blogs
Video: TV blogs

Thanks Frey enjoys the chaotic scene anyway. It is the dress rehearsal for the big show: Straight is the 150-meter carpet rolled out and cut into shape, still stuck to the golden Oscar statues in plastic film, the grandstands for spectators red lacquered. "Not even as a child," mutters Frey Thanks, "I would have my dream." And yet now here he stands in the middle of this Hollywood hubbub - the former GDR citizens, nominated for an Academy Award.

"Toy Land", Frey Danks 13-minute "Feel Good" story ( "Salon") through an "Aryan" boy and his Jewish friend in the "Third Reich" is the best short film in the race - and has a good chance to win. She also "On the track," the mini-drama of the German-Swiss Reto Caffi, who last year, the students here have won Oscar. Either way: Thanks to Frey intends to become even more "rightly put three words" for the big moment. Better safe than sorry.

These thoughts do gymnastics not only Berlin's young star by the bald head. But also the very great, this year again, the running the gauntlet of the paparazzi to take over: About the middle of the Hollywood Boulevard strunzhässlichen designed carpet and through a shopping mall kitsch goes round the staircase up to the Kodak Theater. On top, they may then be 45 seconds in its own way, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" (Tilda Swinton, best supporting actress, 2007) and their granddads stammeln, grannies, moms, dads and other relatives to thank.

Once again, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), which this whole marathon-oriented marketing, a whole latte of superlatives. 281 films from 67 countries were submitted. 43 statuettes, it is important to distribute, each is 34 inches high. A total of 1974 journalists have been accredited, including 95 alone are photographers who are at the "Red Carpet" will jostle. And the best: The organizers hope to hundreds of millions of viewers in more than 200 countries.

What hides the AMPAS prefer: With just reached the 32 million American TV audiences last year, the lowest spectator stand of all time. Among the familiar lament "Are the Oscars at the end?" Now comes a new one: "Are the Oscars anachronistic, especially in a recession?"

The producers hope in any case, this talk on Sunday from the world. With a new, spectacular stage technique, with even greater secrecy than usual (Who will present the prizes? Will Beyoncé sing?) - And with the supposedly most beautiful man in the world as MC, the charismatic Australian Hugh Jackman.

Thanks Jochen Alexander Frey is ultimately no matter how many people the spectacle at the end watch live or recorded, as a web video or via TiVo. "My greatest dream," he says and looks around, "was once at most, that I Defa times to come."

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