Thursday, April 23, 2009

A punk in the cornfield.

Phew, that would also go wrong can be! The movie adaptation of Rocko Schamonis bestseller "Punks village" is actually managed. This is also at the grand young performers - the outsiders play full of energy and poetry.


The dump as an opportunity. Some people who enjoyed the privilege, in the province's deep hindsight grow in a diffuse otherness felt to experience the hindsight to know the happiness of this experience: Nothing fell from the sky, real, tangible, there were no role models, almost all were ideals selbstgebastelte constructs the information came from third-hand.

But the dreams and fantasies were more than Kuhwiesen and fields.

Rocko Schamoni, 42, musician, author, especially melancholic Kasper, is a good donor information in matters of the young one. Because he is not a Berufsjugendlicher, but as an eternal youth Stachelberg as pain and commitment to awakening and depression equally understands. This can be annoying, but there must be a yes, and he makes it great. Hardly anyone can be as good of punk in Germany tell how Schamoni. Especially because he is in the early eighties, when the concept of a dirty three-chord hits and beer together hair held in his hometown Lütjenburg arrived at the Baltic Sea, far too late so that was off. Too late and the wrong place: like a double chance.


Photo: Piffl Media
Video: Piffl Media

"Village punks"
Trailer and Film Clips

Film clip: "That we were shit, now we are a band"
Film clip: "Bock on Chen Knut?"
Film clip: "We rehearse here the same with the band"

  Almost five years seemed "Village punks", Schamonis autobiographical novel about his youth in the country. Schamoni then called Roddy Danger Blood - a name that very poetic way to pride and ridicule married and so understanding of punk and misunderstanding equally announcing.

From his liberal parents misunderstood, he moves with a clique of like-minded friends through the area, it is now and of village simpletons and mentally and Bundeswehr soldiers to bloody nose cut, founded his first band, has extremely awkward sex - and learn everything about life, what you needs to know.

Now comes "Village punks", the film in the cinema.

It would be wrong to go. Since around a new, equally and satire of pop influenced Autorentums as next Rocko Schamoni notably his friend and studio-Braun-colleague Heinz Strunk, but Oliver Maria Schmitt embody shows: You can even terribly well here write from the hip, while the genuine pain and an attitude evident.

The movie version of Strunk genial "Meat is my vegetables" but also showed that the local cinema

the sovereignty of the depressed-cheerful expression of these books still hinterherläuft. So it's nice to see what the director Lars Jessen from Schamonis book has done.

At the beginning Roddy is in the muddy entrance to the neat cottage of his parents. Since roll in. swashes a mighty wave over him. A metaphor for freedom, or Close? Is this yet or is it already happening right now or punk? The extremely unrefined scheppernde Kläff music by Slime is heard. To do this: country idyll, cornfields in summer, while width and narrowness.

With his clique Roddy meets in the shade of a tree group on the field. The conversation of the boys wound themselves alkoholbräsig a misunderstanding: "Did you?" "What?" "The fact that Howard Coverdale in Whitesnake now sings?". After that? S in the city to Pöbeln? we must once again the "Fressen show otherwise think the philistine that they had won." Only a minute later it sets a proper hoe pack through a couple of rather backward-looking young people in rural costumes.
The preamble begins, we hear the false with "Thank God not in England." All true, because it agrees with hardly anything.

Jessen film succeeds primarily because it is removed from the book, the thematic emphasis, however, not shifted. Like the book the film is also less of punks, but rather from the village, from the establishment and outbreaks of contradictions and difficulties in finding something that perhaps freedom could be.



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Jessen, born 69, comes from the same generation as Schamoni. He was not a punk, the German eighties but have him in his last film "The Day Bobby Ewing died as" fascinating. "Punks Village" is even better: The Power and Poetry of the awkward rebellion, and the exclusion in the misfit compound, and the bitter realization that the supposed relatives of mind but only part-mates are, and the impossibility of freedom in a collective striving for freedom of movement and the necessity of re-drawing, if you want to remain faithful - for all that takes place Jessen nice, mostly quiet amazing images.

Then there are the most wonderful young performers, the majority of the filming date yet has no appreciable film experiences available. In particular, main character of Cecil Renner? always a smile on his lips, brash and with pretty eyes? and Ole Fischer as his friend Tumbes bird must fly even callousness Alt-punks the tears of emotion in the eyes can occur.

And although this is definitely not a punk film, it is even more beautiful that all details correct so much? the clothes with their little mistakes, the awkward dancing and discussions of whether we as a punk but a few non-Prefab Sprout songs can be quite good.

Jessen "village Punks" is a nice little film about a not absolutely wasted youth. A youth, in which nothing, absolutely nothing to conclude, or dissolves, but in everything on track, which is one to be forever looking for it. And there is also moral: Really erupt, it seems "Village punks" to say, only the one who is out there anyway.

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